ENWW Security Features 161
IP Access Control List
● Specifies up to 10 host systems, or networks of host systems, that are allowed
access to the HP Jetdirect print server and the attached network device.
● Access is generally limited to host systems specified in the list.
● By factory default, host systems that use HTTP (for example, using the
embedded Web server or IPP) are not checked against entries in the Access
List and are allowed access. However, HTTP host access can be disabled
through the embedded Web server.
● If the list is empty, then all hosts are allowed access.
● Configured on the HP Jetdirect print server using TFTP (Chapter 3), Telnet
(Chapter 3
), embedded Web server (Chapter 4), or management software.
Telnet Control
● Telnet may be disabled through the embedded Web server (see Chapter 4).
Telnet access is not secure.
EAP/802.1X Authentication
● Certificate management for X.509 digital certificates is provided through the
embedded Web server, for both client-based and server-based authentication.
(Installed certificates are limited to 3KB. A single Certificate Authority (CA)
certificate may be installed.)
Table 7.1 Summary of HP Jetdirect Security Features (2 of 3)