ENWW TCP/IP Configuration 79
mdns-pri-svc Specifies the mDNS highest priority service to use for
printing.To set this parameter, choose one of the following
printing option numbers:
1: Port 9100 printing
2: IPP port printing
3: The default LPD raw queue
4: The default LPD text queue
5: The default LPD auto queue
6: The default LPD binps (binary postscript) queue
7 through 12: If user-specified LPD queues are defined,
corresponds to user-specified LPD queues 5 through 10.
The default selection will depend on the printer, typically port
9100 printing or LPD binps.
ttl-slp Specifies the IP multicast “Time To Live” (TTL) setting for
Service Location Protocol (SLP) packets. The default value
is 4 hops (the number of routers from the local network).
The range is 1-15. When set to a -1, multicast capability
is disabled.
ipv4-multicast Enables or disables the receipt and transmission of IP
version 4 multicast packets by the print server. 0 disables,
1 (default) enables.
idle-timeout An integer (1..3600) that specifies the number of seconds
an idle print data connection is allowed to remain open. For
idle-timeout 120
assigns 120 seconds as the desired idle timeout value.
The default is 270 seconds. If set to 0, the connection will
not terminate and other hosts will not be able to make a
user-timeout An integer (1..3600) that specifies the number of seconds
that your Telnet or FTP session can be idle before it will be
automatically disconnected. The default is 900 seconds.
0 disables the timeout.
CAUTION: Small values, such as 1-5, may effectively
disable the use of Telnet. A Telnet session may terminate
before any changes can be made.
cold-reset Sets TCP/IP factory default settings. After a cold reset,
power cycle the print server. Parameters for other
subsystems, such as IPX/SPX or AppleTalk, are not
ews-config Enables or disables the print server’s embedded Web
server. 0 disables, 1 (default) enables.
For more information, see Chapter 4
web-refresh Specifies the time interval (1 -99999 seconds) for embedded
Web server diagnostic page updates. If set to 0, the refresh
rate is disabled.
Table 3.4 Telnet Commands and Parameters (7 of 13)