ENWW TCP/IP Configuration 42
A colon (:) indicates the end of a field, and a backslash (\) indicates
that the entry is continued on the next line. Spaces are not allowed
between the characters on a line. Names, such as host names, must
begin with a letter and can contain only letters, numbers, periods
(for domain names only), or hyphens. The underline character (_)
is not allowed. Refer to your system documentation or online help
for more information.
TFTP Configuration File Entries
To provide additional configuration parameters for your
HP Jetdirect print server, such as SNMP (Simple Network
Management Protocol) or non-default settings, an additional
configuration file can be downloaded using TFTP. This TFTP
configuration file’s relative path name is specified in the BOOTP
reply using the /etc/bootptab file’s T144 vendor-specific tag
(or the “ef” standard BOOTP tag) entry. An example of a TFTP
configuration file is provided below (the symbol ‘#’ denotes a
remark and is not included in the file).
T149 -- Interlock Mode option. An HP-proprietary tag that specifies
whether an acknowledgement (ACK) on all TCP packets
is required before the printer is allowed to close a Port 9100
print connection. A Port Number and Option value are
specified, in the form:
<Port Number><Option>
<Port Number>: For an HP Jetdirect embedded print
server, the Port Number is 1.
<Option>: Option value 0 (default) disables interlock, 1
Example: 1 1 specifies port 1, interlock enabled
T150 -- TFTP server’s IP address option. An HP-proprietary tag to
specify the TFTP server’s IP address where the TFTP
configuration file is located.
T151 -- Network Configuration option. An HP-proprietary tag to
specify either “BOOTP-ONLY” or “DHCP-ONLY” requests
be sent.
Table 3.1 Tags Supported in a BOOTP/DHCP Boot file (4 of 4)
Item RFC