
NWW TCP/IP Overview 212
The syslog server may not receive all syslog events from the
HP Jetdirect print server:
UDP does not guarantee delivery of messages.
The HP Jetdirect print server attempts to eliminate duplicate
messages (to minimize unnecessary network traffic).
The volume of messages sent by the HP Jetdirect print server is
Methods to configure HP Jetdirect syslog parameters include
BOOTP, DHCP, Telnet, the embedded Web server, and
management software. For selected printers, a menu
accessed through the printer control panel provides limited syslog
configuration. The syslog configuration command or parameter
entries may vary depending on the method used. For more
information, see the applicable sections in this guide.
Selected syslog parameters on the HP Jetdirect print server are
listed in Table A.4
Table A.4 HP Jetdirect Syslog Parameters
Item Description
Syslog Server
IP address
IP address of a syslog server for sending syslog messages. If
zero ( or not specified, syslog messages are disabled.
Syslog Maximum
The number of syslog messages that can be sent by the
HP Jetdirect print server on a per-minute basis, from 0 to 1000.
This parameter helps to control the syslog file size. The default
is 10 messages per minute. If 0, the number of syslog messages
is not restricted.
Syslog Priority A method for filtering syslog messages that are sent to the
syslog server. The range is 0 through 8, with 0 the most specific
and 8 the most general. Only messages that are lower than the
specified filter level (or higher in priority) are reported. The
default is 8, messages of all priorities are sent. If 0, all syslog
messages are disabled.
Syslog Facility A code used to identify the source facility of a message (for
example, to identify the source of selected messages during
troubleshooting). By default, the HP Jetdirect print server uses
LPR as the source facility code, but local user values of local0
through local7 can be used to isolate individual or groups of print