ENWW TCP/IP Configuration 53
Configures the print server to send (on) or not send (off) SNMP authentication
traps. Authentication traps indicate that an SNMP request was received, but the
community name check failed. The default is “on.”
Enters a host’s IP address into the HP Jetdirect print server’s SNMP trap
destination list. The command format is:
trap-dest: ip-address [community name] [port number]
The default community name is ”public”; the default SNMP port number is ”162”.
The port number cannot be specified without a community name.
If a ”trap-community-name” command is followed by ”trap-dest” commands, the
trap community name will be assigned to those entries unless a different
community name is specified in each ”trap-dest” command.
To delete the table, use ”trap-dest: 0”.
If the list is empty, the print server does not send SNMP traps. The list may contain
up to three entries. The default SNMP Trap Destination List is empty. To receive
SNMP traps, the systems listed on the SNMP trap destination list must have a trap
daemon to listen to those traps.
Enables or disables IPX/SPX protocol operation on the print server: 0 disables,
1 (default) enables.
A user-assigned alphanumeric name assigned to the print server (31 characters
maximum). By default, the name will be NPIxxxxxx, where xxxxxx are the last six
digits of the LAN hardware address.
Specify the IPX frame type setting available for your print server model: AUTO
(default), EN_SNAP, EN_8022, EN_8023, EN_II, TR_8022, TR_SNAP.
Specifies the time interval (1 to 3600 seconds) that the HP Jetdirect print server
waits between Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) broadcasts on the network. The
default is 60 seconds. 0 disables SAP broadcasts.
Identifies the name of the Novell Directory Services (NDS) tree for this printer.
Table 3.3 TFTP Configuration File Parameters (8 of 10)