ENWW TCP/IP Configuration 60
c. You must now provide the IP address of the WINS server
by doing the following:
● Select Value, then Edit Array.
● From the IP Address Array Editor, select Remove to
delete any undesired addresses previously set. Then
type in the IP address of the WINS server and select
● Once the address appears in the list of IP addresses,
select OK. This returns you to the DHCP Options
window. If the address you have just added appears in
the list of IP addresses (near the bottom of the window)
return to step 10d. Otherwise, repeat step 10c.
d. In the DHCP Options window, select WINS/NBT Node
Type (046) from the Unused Options list. Select Add to
add the node type to the Active Options list. In the Byte
box, type 0x4 to indicate a mixed node, and select OK.
11. Click Close to exit to Program Manager.
Windows 2000 Server/Server 2003
To set up a DHCP scope on a Windows 2000 server or Server 2003
system, perform the following steps:
1. Run the Windows DHCP manager utility.
■ Windows 2000: Click Start, then select Settings and
Control Panel. Open the Administrative Tools folder and
run the DHCP utility.
■ Server 2003: Click Start, then select Control Panel. Open
the Administrative Tools folder and run the DHCP utility.
2. In the DHCP window, locate and select your Windows server in
the DHCP tree.
If your server is not listed in the tree, select DHCP and click
the Action menu to add the server.
3. After selecting your server in the DHCP tree, click the Action
menu and select New Scope. This runs the Add New Scope
4. In the Add New Scope Wizard, click Next.
5. Enter a Name and Description for this scope, then click Next.