
ENWW Using the Embedded Web Server 101
The AppleTalk tab allows you to configure selected AppleTalk
settings on the HP Jetdirect print server. See Table 4.3
for a
description of items on this page.
Note The AppleTalk parameters displayed include the
AppleTalk printer types that are advertised on
the network.
The HP Jetdirect print server supports AppleTalk
Phase 2 only.
Using the checkbox provided, you can enable (check) or disable
(clear) the DLC/LLC (Data Link Control/Logical Link Control)
protocols on the HP Jetdirect print server. If the checkbox is clear,
DLC/LLC protocols are disabled.
Table 4.3 AppleTalk Settings
Item Description
AppleTalk Enable
Enable (check) or disable (clear) the AppleTalk protocol on the
print server. If AppleTalk is enabled, AppleTalk parameters
stored on the print server are displayed.
(AppleTalk) Name
Specify the name of the printer on the AppleTalk network. If you
enter a name that is already assigned on your network, the
AppleTalk name specified on the Jetdirect configuration page will
be followed by a number to indicate that it is a duplicate.
Print Type Identify the type of printer being advertised on the network. Up
to two types can be displayed (for example, HP LaserJet and
Zone Select an available AppleTalk network zone for the printer. By
default, the zone currently selected will be displayed.
Click the Refresh selected zone Info button to refresh the list
of available zones.