ENWW TCP/IP Configuration 41
tv 59 DHCP T2 timeout, specifying the DHCP lease rebind time
T69 69 The IP address (in hexadecimal) of the preferred outgoing
e-mail SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) server, for
use with supported Scan devices.
T144 -- An HP-proprietary tag that specifies the relative path name
of the TFTP configuration file. Long path names may be
truncated. The path name must be in double quotes (for
example, “pathname”). For file format information, refer to
“TFTP Configuration File Entries
Note: Standard BOOTP option 18 (extensions file path)
also allows a standard tag (ef) to specify the relative path
name of the TFTP configuration file.
T145 -- Idle Timeout option. An HP-proprietary tag to set the idle
timeout (seconds), which is the amount of time that a print
data connection may remain idle before being closed. The
range is 1 - 3600 seconds.
T146 -- Buffer Packing option. An HP-proprietary tag to set buffer
packing for TCP/IP packets.
0 (default): Normal data buffers are packed before sending
to the printer.
1: Disable buffer packing. Data is sent to the printer
when received.
T147 -- Write Mode option. An HP-proprietary tag that controls the
TCP PSH flag setting for device-to-client data transfers.
0 (default): disables this option, flag not set.
1: all-push option. The push bit is set in all data packets.
2: eoi-push option. The push bit is set only for data packets
that have an End-of-Information flag set.
T148 -- IP Gateway Disable option. An HP-proprietary tag to
prevent configuration of a Gateway IP address.
0 (default): allows an IP address.
1: prevents a Gateway IP address to be configured.
Table 3.1 Tags Supported in a BOOTP/DHCP Boot file (3 of 4)
Item RFC