Users Manual
Table 1-3. Front Panel Keys Description (cont.)
Key Description
This key sequence clears the entire contents of the Review array. Review data
must be presently shown on the display to clear the array.
LOCAL K When under remote control without lockout (REMS), this returns control to the
front panel.
COMM K L Allows you to set up the computer interface port.
While the Totalizer count is displayed, resets the Totalizer to 0.
SINGLE K Q Forces an immediate scan of all defined channels. If a scan is presently in
progress, this new request is ignored. Once begun, the full scan is completed.
Configuration changes are not allowed while a scan is in progress.
Table 1-4. Annunciator Descriptions
Annunciator Description
MON Indicates that the Monitor function is enabled.
SCAN Indicates that the Scan function is enabled. Scanning can be enabled as a single scan
(K Q), with a scan interval, with an alarm-trigger or with an external trigger.
CH Indicates that the channel number is displayed immediately above, in the right display.
SET Lit when the instrument is in Configuration Mode.
Mx+B Lit while Mx+B scaling is being defined and when a measurement on the display has
been scaled with an M value other than 1 and/or a B value other than 0 has been
defined for this channel.
FUNC Lit when a measurement function is being defined for this channel.
ALARM Lit when alarm values are being defined for this channel or when an alarm limit has
been exceeded while measuring.
v Indicates that the measurement function is volts for this channel (used with the AC or
DC annunciator).
DC Indicates that the measurement function is dc voltage for this channel.
AC Indicates that the measurement function is ac voltage for this channel.
e Indicates that the measurement function is resistance for this channel.
Hz Indicates that the measurement function is frequency for this channel.
°C Indicates that the measurement function is temperature for this channel and that the
degree unit is Celsius.
°F Indicates that the measurement function is temperature for this channel and that the
degree unit is Fahrenheit.
m (milli) a multiplier for the displayed value, e.g., mV for millivolts. Also used when defining
alarm and Mx+B values.
x1 (times 1) a multiplier for the displayed value. Used when defining alarm and Mx+B
(kilo) a multiplier for the displayed value, e.g., kHz for kilohertz. Also used when defining
alarm and Mx+B values.