Computer Operations
Computer Interface Commands and Operation
Table 4-5. Command and Query Reference (cont)
MON Enable/Disable Monitoring
This command performs the same function as on the front panel.
MON 1 <channel>
<channel> = 0, 1, 2 ... 20
MON 0 Disables monitoring
The <channel> parameter can be 0 through 20. A command error is generated if no
<channel> parameter is given when enabling monitoring. If the channel to be
monitored is invalid or defined as OFF, or if values other than 0 or 1 are given, an
Execution Error is generated.
The MON and SCAN commands work in conjunction with the front panel controls.
The Monitor and Scan functions can be enabled or disabled from either the front
panel or the computer interface. The most recently specified monitor channel (from
front panel or computer interface) becomes the one channel monitored.
Example: MON 1,6 [Turn on monitor and monitor channel 6.]
Example: MON 0 [Turn monitor off.
MON_CHAN? Monitor Channel Number
This query asks for the number of the presently defined monitor channel. If
monitoring is not active, an Execution Error is generated.
Example: MON_CHAN? returns 9 [Channel 9 is being monitored.]
Example: MON_CHAN? returns nothing and generates an
Execution Error [No channel is being monitored.]
MON_VAL? Monitor Channel Value
This query asks for a measurement on the monitor channel. If monitoring is not
active, an Execution Error results. A return of +001.00E+9 indicates an overload
(OL) condition; a return of +009.00E+9 indicates an open thermocouple (otc)
Example: MON_VAL? returns +115.67E+0 VAC [The channel being monitored was
measured to have a value of 115.67 VAC (RATE 0 and FORMAT 2 are asserted).]
Example: MON_VAL? returns nothing and generates an Execution Error [No
channel is being monitored.]