
Users Manual
Table 4-5. Command and Query Reference (cont)
NEXT? Next Scan’s Values
The NEXT? query returns data values for the next scan to complete. If a scan is in
progress when the NEXT? query is processed, the data values returned are from the
scan in progress. If a scan is not presently in progress, the NEXT? query waits for
data to become available. While waiting, no other commands can be issued. To exit
NEXT? while waiting, use <CNTL><C>.
NEXT? returns comma-separated information for the date and time at the start of the
next measurement scan, the values for channels measured, the state of the Digital
I/O lines, and the totalizer count.
The time and date are returned in the following order: Hours (0-23), Minutes (0-59),
Seconds (0-59), Month (1-12), Date (1-31), Year (0-99). Measurement data is
returned as a list of scientific notation values. For an overload (OL), "+001.00E+9" is
returned. If an open thermocouple is detected, "009.00E+9" is returned.
ALARM OUTPUTS and DIGITAL I/O values are returned as integer values. (To
decode the ALARM OUTPUTS integer, see the ALARM_DO_LEVELS? command;
to decode the DIGITAL I/O integer, see the DIO_LEVELS? command. ) The
Totalizer value is returned as a scientific notation value.
Example: NEXT? returns 16,11,47,7,21,94,+1.0099E+3, +04.556E+0,-
13.665E+0,+1.2664E+6,+009.00E+9,15,255, +00.455E+3 [At 1600 hours, 11
minutes, 47 seconds, on July 21, 1994, five channels were scanned with the
measurements 1009.9, 4.556, -13.665, 1,266,400, open thermocouple,
Alarms I/O status was 15, DIGITAL I/O status was 255, and totalizer count was 455
(RATE 0 and FORMAT 1 are asserted).]
Example: NEXT? returns nothing and the computer interface does not accept
commands [The NEXT? command was entered when the instrument was not
scanning. Press the front panel
Q key, or enter <CNTL><C> to clear the NEXT?
*OPC Operation Complete
(See front of table.)
*OPC? Operation Complete Query
(See front of table.)
PRINT Data Logging Enable/Disable
The destination and conditions for data logging are determined by the PRINT_TYPE
command, while this command enables or disables the logging of the measurement
PRINT 0 Disable data logging to memory card and printer
PRINT 1 Enable data logging to memory card and printer
The PRINT command does not affect the logging of data (100 scans maximum) to
the internal memory (log queue), which is always active when selected as a
destination (PRINT_TYPE 1,2,5, or 6). If scanning is already active, an Execution
Error is generated.
When PRINT 1 is asserted, the instrument front panel PRN (Logging) annunciator is
on. When PRINT 0 is asserted, the instrument front panel PRN annunciator is off.