Users Manual
1. Configure the Data Bucket communication parameters, as described in Figure 4-2,
for bAUd = 9600, PAR = no, CtS = OFF, and Echo = On.
2. Turn on the PC, start the communications software, and open the COM port
configuration screen.
3. Select the following communications parameters
Connector COM1 [Typical]
Baud Rate 9600
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1
Parity None
Flow ControlNone[May be called the RTS/CTS line]
4. In Terminal, request the Data Bucket to send its identification number by entering:
*IDN? <Enter>. If *IDN? did not appear on the screen as the characters were
entered, be sure the instrument RS-232 port is configured for Echo = On (Figure 4-
2). If the wrong characters appear, there is an incompatibility in the COM port
configurations (baud rate, parity, etc.). If everything seems normal, but characters
still don’t appear, check the RS-232 connection cable (see Appendix D). When the
RS-232 link is operating correctly, the instrument returns an identification string and
execution prompt similar to the following:
FLUKE,2635A,0,Mn.n An.n Dn.n Ln.n
Mn.n identifies the main software version.
An.n identifies the analog-to-digital converter software version.
Dn.n identifies the display software version.
Ln.n identifies the programmable gate-array configuration version.
5. Other commands can be entered from the PC to gain familiarity with the instrument
command set. All commands are summarized in Table 4-4 and explained in Table 4-
For example: to reset the instrument, configure channel 0 to measure volts dc using
the 300V DC scale (scale 4), send scan results to the RS-232 port, and scan once,
enter the following:
*RST [Resets the instrument (which does not affect the communication parameters)]
FUNC 0, VDC, 4 [Set channel 0 to volts dc and scale 4 (300V DC)]
PRINT_TYPE 0,0 [Sets the data destination as the RS-232 port, and all data]
PRINT 1 [Enables data logging to the RS-232 port]*TRG [Triggers a single scan]
15:17:04 07/21/94
0: 000.00 VDC