Users Manual
Table 4-5. Command and Query Reference (cont)
FUNC? Channel Function Query
Return the complete function for the indicated channel.
FUNC? <channel>
<channel> = (0 .. 20)
The returns are in comma-separated data fields using the following format:
The <function> return is OFF, VDC, VAC, OHMS, FREQ, or TEMP. For voltage,
ohms, or frequency the <range> return is a number 1 through 6 (see below) or
AUTO for autoranging. The <range> return for temperature is a thermocouple type
[J, K, E, T, N, R, S, B, C] or PT for RTD measurements. The <terminals> return is for
OHMS and TEMP functions only and is either 2 for 2-terminal measurements or 4 for
4-terminal measurements.
Example: FUNC? 8 returns TEMP, PT,4 [The function of channel 8 is temperature,
using a Platinum resistance-temperature-detector (RTD), and a 4-terminal
measurement configuration
*IDN? Identification Query
(See front of table.)
IEE Instrument Event Enable
Sets the Instrument Event Enable Register to the given value.
IEE <value>
<value> = (0 .. 255)
The IEE register is used to enable or disable (mask) the output bits of the Instrument
Event Register (IER). The combined output of the IEE and IER is the Instrument
Event Bit (IEB), which is used as an input for the Status Byte Register. See the
discussion on status registers for more
Example: IEE 5 [Enables the IER output byte 00000101 (decimal 5), which means
an Open Thermocouple -or- Alarm Limit Transition will set IEB logic high.]
IEE? Instrument Event Enable Query
Returns the present value of the Instrument Event Enable Register as an integer.
IEE? Instrument Event Register Query
Returns the present value of the Instrument Event Enable Register (IEE) as an
integer, as selected with the IEE command. See the discussion on status registers
for more information.
Example: IEE? returns 128 [The IEE register is set for 10000000 (decimal 128),
which means a Scan Complete will set IEB logic high.]
Instrument Event Register Query
Returns the value of the Instrument Event Register (IER) as an integer, then clears
the register to 0. See the discussion on status registers for more information.
Example: IER? returns 133 [The IER register is set for 10000101 (decimal 133),
which means a Scan Complete, Open Thermocouple, and Alarm Limit Transition
were detected.]