Users Manual
Table 4-5. Command and Query Reference (cont)
MCARD_DIR? Memory Card Directory
Returns a terminated string for each file in the root directory of the memory card. The
string is a comma-separated list of the file’s name, size, modification date (day,
month, year) and time (hours, minutes, seconds).
Example: MCARD_DIR? returns:
MCARD_FORMAT Format Memory Card
Memory card inserted in the Data Bucket will be formatted. The card must be the
static RAM (SRAM) type, meeting PCMCIA standards. An Execution Error is
generated and the card not formatted if scanning is in progress, the card is of
unknown size, or card is write-protected. If the memory card contains a PCMCIA
card information structure (CIS), the card size is determined from the CIS.
Otherwise, the size is algorithmically determined by writing to the memory card. A
CIS is never written to the card.
When formatting a memory card, any scan data that has been stored in internal
memory waiting to be written to a valid memory card will be lost.
MCARD_SIZE? Memory Card Size
Returns the memory card size as an integer number of kilobytes.
Example: MCARD_SIZE? returns 1024 [Memory card size is 1024 kilobytes (1
MIN? Channel’s Minimum Value
Returns the minimum value(s) measured since the review array was last cleared.
MIN? <channel>>
<channel> = 0, 1, 2, ... 20, or leave blank
Returns minimum measurement values for either the indicated channel, or for all
defined channels if the <channel>field is left blank. An Execution Error results if a
request is made for a channel defined as OFF, the channel specified is invalid, the
channel specified has been set up but not yet measured, or Review array values
have been cleared by REVIEW_CLR, or by changing any parameter on any channel.
The return is a signed number with decimal point and exponent. For slow scanning
rate, 5 digits are returned (+/-XX.XXXE+/-N); for fast scanning rate, 4 digits are
returned (+/-XX.XXE+/-N). The channel range setting determines placement of the
decimal point. A return of +001.00E+9 indicates an overload (OL) condition; a return
of +009.00E+9 indicates an open thermocouple (otc) condition. If no channel
specification is made, all the minimum values of the scanned channels are returned,
each separated by a comma.
Example: MIN? 16 returns +167.85E+3 [The minimum scanned value of channel 16
is 167,850 (RATE 0 and FORMAT 1 are asserted).]
Example: MIN? returns +091.67E+0,+001.00E+9,+115.21E-3 [Three channels were
scanned. The first channel had a minimum reading of 91.67; the second channel is
in overload (OL); the third channel had a minimum reading of 0.11521 (RATE 0 and
FORMAT 1 are asserted).]