
Computer Operations
Computer Interface Commands and Operation
Table 4-5. Command and Query Reference (cont)
TOTAL? Totalizer Value Query
Returns the value of the present Totalizer count. Format of the value is +00.000E+3.
When the Totalizer has overflowed, the value returned is +001.00E+9.
Example: TOTAL? returns 13.465E+3 [The present value of the totalizer count is
TOTAL_DBNC Set Totalizing Debounce
Set totalizing input debounce state, which adds a delay of 1.75 ms to each transition,
allowing increased accuracy from totalizer inputs from contact closures.
TOTAL_DBNC <dbnc_state>
<dbnc_state> = 1 (on) 0 (off)
Use of any other value causes an Execution Error to be generated. At initial power
up, totalize debounce is disabled (0). An Execution Error is generated if the totalizer
debouhce setting is changed when scanning while logging to the memory card is
TOTAL_DBNC? Totalizer Debounce Query
Returns the totalizing input’s debounce state, as selected with the TOTAL_DBNC
0 Debounce is off
1 Debounce is on
*TRG SIngle-Scan Trigger
(See front of table.)
TRIGGER Select Trigger Type
Select the type of scan triggering option. The use of a trigger option has the same
effect as pressing the front panel Q key. An input for an external trigger is
available at the ALARM OUTPUTS connector on the rear panel of the instrument,
pins TR and GROUND (TRIGGER 1). Scanning can also be enabled when a
monitored channel goes into alarm (TRIGGER 2).
TRIGGER 0 External trigger and Alarm trigger disabled
TRIGGER 1 External trigger enabled
TRIGGER 2 Alarm trigger enabled
TRIGGER 0 means external triggering is disabled and only normal scan interval
triggering can be used. If this command is entered during scanning while logging to
the memory card, an Execution Error is generated.
TRIGGER 1 means that external triggering is enabled. An acceptable low input (-0.6
to +0.8V dc) between the pins TR and GROUND on the ALARM OUTPUTS
connector on the rear panel will cause the instrument to start scanning. When the
TR input returns to logic high, scanning is disabled. External trigger inputs during a
scan are ignored.
TRIGGER 2 means the alarm trigger is enabled. When a channel being monitored
goes into alarm, the instrument starts scanning. When the channel being monitored
goes out of alarm, the instrument stops scanning. The *TRG and GET commands
can be used with a trigger option selection.
If the trigger type given is not one of the listed values, an Execution Error is