setting up the instrument, 1-11
setup and data file current status, 3-15
setup and data files directory, 3-14
setup file procedures, 3-9
Standard event status register (ESR), 4-16
Status byte register (STB), 4-17
status registers, 4-14
summary of computer operations, 4-3
summary of front panel operations, 2-5
summary of memory card operations, 3-3
summary of modem operations, 6-3
summary of printer operations, 5-3
testing the instrument/pc RS-232 interface, 4-6
testing the RS-232 interface using gwbasic, 4-9
testing the RS-232 interface using Qbasic, 4-10
testing the RS-232 interface using terminal
emulation (generic), 4-7
testing the RS-232 interface using terminal
emulation (windows), 4-6
testing the RS-232/modem interface, 6-8
thermocouple measurement range accuracy
test, 7-9
Thermocouple restrictions:, 2-13
thermocouple temperature accuracy test, 7-10
Thermocouples, 2-13
Threshold, A-14
totalizer channel, 1-9
Totalizer input, 1-18
Totalizer sensitivity test, 7-18
Totalizer test, 7-17
Totalizing input, A-14
Triggering options and memory card
operation, 2-31
turning the power on, 2-6
universal input module connections, 1-14
unpacking and inspecting the instrument, 1-11
using data erase, 3-13
using data open, 3-12
using setup erase, 3-11
using setup load, 3-10
using setup store, 3-9
using shielded wiring, 1-14
using the scan mode, 2-26
variations in the display, 7-22
xmodem file transfers, 4-18