Computer Operations
Computer Interface Commands and Operation
Table 4-5. Command and Query Reference (cont)
MAX? Channel’s Maximum Value
Returns the maximum value(s) measured since the review array was last cleared.
Channel’s Maximum Value
MAX? <channel>
<channel> = 0, 1, 2, ...20, or leave blank
Returns maximum measurement values for either the indicated channel, or for all
defined channels if the <channel> field is left blank. An Execution Error results if a
request is made for a channel defined as OFF, the channel specified is invalid, the
channel specified has been set up but not yet measured, or Review array values
have been cleared by REVIEW_CLR, or by changing any parameter on any channel.
The return is a signed number with decimal point and exponent. For slow scanning
rate, 5 digits are returned (+/-XX.XXXE+/-N); for fast scanning rate, 4 digits are
returned (+/-XX.XXE+/-N). The channel range setting determines placement of the
decimal point. A return of +001.00E+9 indicates an overload (OL) condition; a return
of +009.00E+9 indicates an open thermocouple (otc) condition. If no channel
specification is made, all the maximum values of the scanned channels are returned,
each separated by a comma.
Example: MAX? 1 returns +022.34E+0 [The maximum scanned value of channel 1 is
Example: MAX? returns +009.00E+9,+890.22E+0,+230.96E-3 [Three channels were
scanned. The first channel shows an open thermocouple; the second channel had a
maximum reading of 890.22; the third channel had a maximum reading of 0.230
(RATE 0 and FORMAT 1 are asserted).]
Memory Card Status
Returns the memory card status as an encoded integer number from a binary
number using bits 0 to 4.
Bit 0 - Card changed; remaining bits differ from the last query
Bit 1 - A card is present in the unit
Bit 2 - Card is write protected
Bit 3, 4 - Battery status of last inserted card, as below:
0 0 Battery operational
0 1 Battery should be replaced; data is OK
1 0 Battery and data integrity not guaranteed
1 1 Battery and data integrity not guaranteed
Example: MCARD? returns 7 [The memory card status is 00111 (decimal 7),
meaning the card changed since the last query, a card is in the unit, the card is write
protected, and battery is operational.]