Users Manual
Table 4-5. Command and Query Reference (cont)
PRINT_TYPE? Data Logging Type Query
Returns the status of data logging destination and condition, as selected with the
PRINT_TYPE command. Returns two integers in the form <destination<,<type> as
<destination> = 0, 1, 2, ... 6
0 = Log data to printer
1 = Log data to internal memory
2 = Log data to internal memory and printer
3 = Log data to memory card
4 = Log data to memory card and printer
5 = Log data to memory card and internal memory
6 = Log data to memory card, internal memory, and printer
<type< = 0, 1 or 2
0 = Record all scans
1 = Record scans if any scanned channel is in alarm
2 = Record scans when any alarm transitions
Example: PRINT_TYPE? returns 5,0 [Destination for logged data is to the memory
card and internal memory, and all scans are recorded.]
RANGE? Channel Range Query
Returns the range(s) used for the scan in progress or the last completed scan. If a
channel is configured for autoranging, the actual range used for the measurement is
RANGE? <channel>
<channel> = 0, 1, 2, ... 20, or leave blank
If the <channel> specification field is left blank, values for all defined channels are
returned. An Execution Error results if a request is made for a channel defined as
OFF, the channel specified is invalid, or if the channel has been set up but not
measured with at least one scan. The range value returned is not affected by Mx+B
An integer value (1-6) is returned, based on the table below. Temperature functions
(thermocouple and RTD) always return a 1. Commas separate the integers if the
return is for all scanned channels.
1 300 mV 300e 900 Hz
23 V 3 ke 9 kHz
3 30 V 30 ke 90 kHz
4 150/300 V* 300 ke 900 kHz
5 90 mV** 3 Me 1 Mhz
6 900 mV** 10 Me
*300 V only on channels 0 and 11.
**Volts DC only.
Example: RANGE? 12 returns 3 [Channel 12 has a range of 3. If measuring voltage,
it would indicate the 30V scale.].
Example: RANGE? returns 2,2,1,6 [Four channels were scanned. The first and
second have a range of 2, the third a range of 1, and the fourth a range of 6.]