
Computer Operations
Computer Interface Commands and Operation
Table 4-5. Command and Query Reference (cont)
SCAN? Scan Query
Returns the scanning status, as selected with the SCAN command.
0 Scanning is disabled
1 Scanning is enabled
If a scan is in progress, a "1" is returned at the end of the scan. (A response delay
may occur if SCAN? is sent early in a scan.) This feature allows synchronization for
other commands that would not be recognized if received during a scan. For
example, SCAN?;*TRG could be used to trigger a new scan after completion of the
current scan, where just a *TRG command sent while a scan is in progress would be
discarded. If a scan is not in progress, a "0" is returned immediately.
SCAN_TIME? Time of Scan
Returns values indicating the time and date at start of last scan.
Uses the same format and order as the TIME_DATE? query. The data is returned in
the following order: Hours (0-23), Minutes (0-59), Seconds (0-59), Month (1-12),
Date (1-31), Year (0-99).
Example: SCAN_TIME? returns 7,56,50,7,21,94 [The start of the last scan was at
0700 hours, 56 minutes, 50 seconds, on July 21, 1994.]
*SRE Service Request Enable
(See front of table.)
*SRE? Service Request Enable Query
(See front of table.)
*STB? Read Status Byte Query
(See front of table.)
Temperature Configuration
Set temperature configuration using the given value. Changing the temperature
configuration also clears the Review array, and ALARM OUTPUTS and DITGITAL
I/O lines.
<value> = 0. 1, 2 , 3
Selects the temperature scale (°C or °F) and enables or disables thermocouple
detection. When thermocouple detection is enabled and an open thermocouple is
detected, the monitor display will show "otc" and the measurement return is
+009.00E+9. When thermocouple detection is disabled and an open thermocouple is
detected, the monitor display will show "OL" and the measurement return is -
001.00E+9. These settings affect every channel; they cannot be set for each
channel individually. The command is entered when the instrument is not scanning.
Select the desired <value> from the table below.
Value Meaning
0 OTC Disable and °C
1 OTC Disable and °F
2 OTC Enable and °C
3 OTC Enable and °F
Example: TEMP_CONFIG 3 [Measure temperature in °F and enable "otc" detection.]