
Memory Card File Formats
For a data file, any scan data would immediately follow the configuration information.
Note that it is very possible to have no scan data if the data file is created but scanning is
never done.
Measurements are stored in scan records of variable size. The contents of each record is
as follows:
Offset Description
===== ===========
0 Time BCD hours. See TIME_DATE?
1 Time BCD minutes.
2 Time BCD seconds.
3 Date BCD month.
4 Date BCD day.
5 Date BCD year.
6 Alarm output values. See ALARM_DO_LEVELS?
7 Digital Input/Output values. See DIO_LEVELS?
8-11 Totalizer value, 4-byte single precision floating point.
12-on Measurement values, from 1 to 21 4-byte single precision
floating-point numbers.
The number of floating point values per scan is the number of non-off channels in the
channel configuration data. The number of scans per file varies from zero to tens of
thousands, but will always be an integral number (there will be no partial scans).
The following as an example of how the configuration and scan data can be interpreted
using the C programming language. The C code shown here can be incorporated into a C
program and used to access the information contained in Hydra Data Bucket data files.
These examples can not, however be compiled and used as they are. They are not meant
to be complete C programs.
This first part of the example creates a structure named ‘hydra’ that will hold the
configuration information read from the data file.