Computer Operations
Computer Interface Commands and Operation
Table 4-5. Command and Query Reference (cont)
FUNC Channel Function Definition
Define the Changing a channel configuration automatically erases values held in
review, and resets all ALARM OUTPUTS and DIGITAL I/O lines to logical high. The
FUNC command clears any alarm limits and scaling values for this channel;
therefore, define a channel function before setting alarm limits and/or scaling values
for that channel. measurement function and range for the indicated channel.
FUNC <channel>, <function>, <range>, <terminals>
<channel> = 0, 1,2, ...20
<function> = OFF, VDC, VAC, OHMS, FREQ, TEMP
<range> = 1,2,3,...6, AUTO [VDC, VAC,OHMS, FREQ]
<range> = J, K, E, T, N, R, S, B, C [TEMP with thermocouples]
<range> = PT [TEMP with RTDs]
<terminals> = 2 or 4
Ohms and temperature measurements that use a 4-terminal configuration are limited
to channels 1 to 10. Select a channel function, OFF, VDC, VAC, OHMS, FREQ, or
TEMP. For voltage, ohms or frequency, select a range 1 to 6, as specified in the
table below (or AUTO for autoranging) For temperature, select a thermocouple type,
or PT for RTDs.
1 300 mV 300 e 900 HZ
23 V 3 ke 9 kHz
3 30 V 30 ke 90 kHz
4 150/300 V* 300 ke 900 kHz
5 90 mV** 3 Me 1 Mhz
6 900 mV** 10 Me
*300V only on channels 0, 1, and 11
** Volts DC only
The <terminals> selection is specified only when the function type is OHMS, or
TEMP using an RTD. The 2-terminal selection is valid on any channel. The 4-
terminal selection is valid only for channels 1 to 10 (n), which automatically clears a
channel a decade higher (n+10).
Example: FUNC 9,TEMP, PT,2 [Set the function of channel 9 to temperature
measurements using a Platinum RTD, and the 2-terminal connection.] Example:
FUNC 5,VDC,4 [Set the function of channel 5 to volts DC, and use the 150V scale.]