EPL Commands
12/16/13 EPL Programming Guide 14245L-003 Rev. A
Enable Dump Mode
Description This command allows the advanced programmer to force a user diagnostic
“data dump” mode. Sending the dump command to the printer allows the programmer to
compare actual data sent to printer with the host program.
Send data to the printer after the dump command has been issued to evaluate program and
printer control data. The printer will process all data bytes into ASCII character data, range 0-
255 decimal (00-FF hexadecimal).
Press the printer’s Feed button until “Out of Dump” is printed or power cycle the printer to
terminate the dump mode.
Syntax dump
Parameters There are no parameters for this format.
• Set the image buffer width with the q command to match the media width prior to issuing
the dump command.
•Use the Dump Mode Character Map on page 325 to interpret the dump mode data
(characters printed on the labels) back into ASCII data.
• Press the Feed button to view dump data that exceeds a single label’s print area. Repeat to
view more dump data as required.
• Pressing the Feed button after the dump data is finished printing will cause the printer to
exit the dump mode.
• Graphics data dump may be large and require multiple labels to print.
Figure 5 • Dump Mode Print Sample
Example •