
Programming Your Scanner
[MENU] Program System F
Select the co nve ntion al system F
Edit Group F
Select the group or New Group F
Edit Channel F
Select the channel or New Channel F
At thi s point you can scroll to Off, S e ar ch, CTCSS , DCS, or Se t Lockout. an d
select the subaudible fr equency in the C TCSS range or the DCS code.
Thi s setting control s how a sub audible CTCSS or DCS is used for the channel.
Select your setti ng, then press F.
Off — any signal opens squelch. The default setting is Off.
Search — th e scanner se arches fo r and disp la ys a ny CTCSS or DCS tone tha t
a ccompa nies the tran smissio n.
CTCSS — the scanner only opens squelch if the CTC SS tone you sel ect is also
present with the signal. The scanner then prompts you to enter or scroll to the
desired tone.
DCS — the scanner only opens squelch if the DCS tone you select is also present
with the signal. The scanner then prompts you to enter or scroll to the desired
Set Lockout — the scanner does not stop on the channel if the tone you select
is present. The scanner prompts you to select a CTCSS or DCS tone.
Quick CTCSS/DCS Save
If you set a chan ne l to CTCS S/DCS Search a nd the scanner d etects a tone, when
you press [EYES], th e fi rst op tion is Save found CTCSS/DCS?
[MENU] Program System F
Select the co nve ntion al system F
Edit Group F
Select a channel group F
Selecting CTCSS/DCS Tones C
Setting Channel Modulation Method C