
The FCC Wants You to Know
The FCC Wants You to Know
This sca n ner ha s been tested and fou n d to comply with the limits for a scan ning
re ceiver, pursua nt to Part 15 of the F CC Rules . These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful inter ference in a residential
i nstall ati o n. T his scann er g ener at es , us e s, a nd ca n ra di ate radio fr equen c y e nergy
and, i f not install ed and used i n accordance with the i nstruc ti ons, m ay c ause
harmful interference to radio communications.
The re is no guarantee that interf erence will not oc c ur in a part ic ular ins tallation. If
this scanner does cause harmful i nterfer ence to radio or television reception,
w hi ch ca n be d ete rm i ne d by tur n ing the s cann er on and off, y ou a re e nc o ur ag ed to
try to cor rect the interference by one or more of the follow ing measures:
Reorient or relo cate the receiving an tenna
Increase the separation between the scanner and the receiver
This d e vice co mplie s with Part 15 of the F CC Rules. Operation is subject to the
fol lowing tw o co nditions: 1) T hi s de v ic e m ay n ot ca us e h ar mf ul in ter ference, and 2)
this d evice must a ccept a ny in t erfe re nce receive d, in cluding in t erfe rence th at ma y
cause undesi red operation.
Scanning Legally
Your scanner covers frequencies used by many different groups, includi ng police
and fi re depar tments , ambul ance ser vi ces, government agencies , priv ate
compani es, am ateur r adio s ervices, m il i tary operations, pager servi ces, and
wir eli ne (telephone and telegraph) ser vice providers. It is legal to listen to almost
every t ransmission you r scanner ca n rece ive. Ho we ver, th ere a re so me
transmissions th at you should n ever inten tionally listen to . These in clu de :
Telephone c onversations ( cel l ul ar , cor dl ess, or other pr i vate m eans of
tel ep hone s igna l tr ansm i ssi on )
Pager transm issions
An y scra mbled or e ncrypt ed t ra nsmissio ns
Ac cor di ng to the Electronic Comm uni cations Pri vacy Act (ECPA), you ar e subject
to fines and possible imprisonment for intentionally listeni ng to, using, or divulging
the contents of such a conversation unless you have the consent of a par ty to the
conversat io n (unless su ch activit y is o t he rwise illeg al). This scanner h as b een
designed to prevent the reception of cellular telephone transm issions and the
decoding of scr ambled transm issions. This i s done to comply with the legal
re qu ireme nt tha t scanners b e man ufactured so they ar e no t easy to mod ify to p ick