
[MENU] Program System F
Se le ct a trunked syste m F
Edit Site (current) F
Se le ct a site F
Set C-Ch Only F
This se tt in g det ermines th e fre qu encie s you need to enter f or Moto rola syst ems.
Se lect yo ur se tting, then pre ss F.
On — You onl y need to enter control channel frequencies.
Off — You must enter all voice and control channel fr equenci es.
Note: The scanner defaults to On.
[MENU] Program System F
Se le ct a trunked syste m F
Edit Site (current) F
Se le ct a site F
Set LocationInfo F
This se tt in g cont rol wh et her the system is auto mat ically en abled an d disable d
when you conn ect a GPS to the scanne r.
Set Latitude — E nter th e system ’s la titude usin g the f or mat you sele cted in the
system sett in gs.
Set Longitude — En ter t he syste m’s lo ng itud e using th e format you sele cted in
the syst em sett ings.
Set Range — S et t he syst em’s range using t he unit s yo u se le cted in t he system
Set GPS Enable — De pe nd in g o n the da ta re ceived fro m the GPS, the L /O
status of the site is au tomatically con trolle d.
Assigning a Trunked System to A State
In addition to the BearTracker System Preprogr ammed State information, you may
wan t to program anot her syst em in t ha t same state. Then , wh en you tu rn on th at
state using the [STATE] contr ol and the Scroll Control, the system you prog ram
will also b e unlock ed and s c anned.
Setting Control-Channel Only Mode M
Setting Site Location Information MESL