
NFM — the scanner uses narr owband FM for the frequency band.
Note: The defau lt setting is Auto.
This setting co ntrols the mo du la ti on m eth od used for th e frequ en cy band. In mo st
ca ses, if you leave t his set t o Auto, the scanner automa t ically sele ct s the correct
modulat io n type for t he syst em yo u are p ro gramming.
Enable Attenuation if you are near strong signal sources. Attenuation can help
reduce interference and desensitization that strong signals create. You can also
turn t his sett in g on or of f by holding on a trun ked syst em, t he n press F + [7/ATT].
[MENU] Program System F
Se le ct a trun ked system F
Edit Site F
Select a Site F
Set Attenuator F
Off — the attenuator i s off.
On — site frequencies are attenuated by about 20 dB.
[MENU] Program System F
Se le ct a trun ked system F
Edit Site F
Se le ct a site F
Set Lockout F
Select from the foll owi ng choices F
Unlocked — the syste m is sca nned when its quick key is e nab led.
Temporary L/O — the syste m is locked fo r t his se ssio n.
Locked — the syste m is n ot scan ne d.
Setting Site Attenuation MESL
Setting Site Lockout MESL