
Programming Your Scanner
[MENU] Program System F
Sele ct the exist ing system F
Delete System F
Confirm Delete?
Yes=”E” / No=”.”
Important: Delet ed syst ems canno t be restored. You must re-en ter t he m.
This se ct io n cove rs se tt in gs t hat ap ply to trunked ra dio site. Yo u m ust program at
least on e site f or each tru nked rad io system. When you program multip le sites, all
sites share t he same channe l grou ps and channels wit hin the syst em.
Note: You can only program one site in an E DACS S CAT and LTR syst em.
Each site name can be u p to 1 6 characters. Abbre via te as necessary to fi t. Th e
site name alter nates w i th the C hannel group when the sc anner stops on a
The de fau lt site na mes incl ud e the following l etter i n the 16 th position to in d icate
the system type:
MS1: Motorola 800 MHz Type I Standard
MS2: Motorola 800 MHz Type II Standard
MP1: Motorola 800 MHz Type I Splinter
MP2: Motorola 800 MHz Type II Splinter
M92: Motorola 900 MHz
MV2: Motorola VHF
MU2: Motorola UHF
Following t hese st ep s to change t he syst em name.
Deleting Systems MECSL
Programming Sites MESL
Setting the Site Name ME