Your B CT1 5 sca nn er is a state-of-th e-ar t scann er radio w ith Tru nk Tra cker™ III
and automat ic s c anning cap abilit ies . You c an s tore in the dynamic memory
conve ntiona l fr eq uenci es such as p ol i ce, fi r e/em er ge ncy, ma ri n e, air , a ma teu r , an d
other communications. You can store and scan services that use Trunked Radio
S yst ems and so much more. You can u se the scan ner’s Scroll Control to quickly
sel ect c h ann el s and fr eq uenci es, a nd y o u c an auto ma ti cal ly pr og ra m cha nnel s in a
system using the AutoSt ore f eature. Use yo ur sca nn er to mo nito r:
• Ana log trunked pub lic safety syste ms (u ne ncrypt ed on ly) *
• Police and fire departments (including rescue and paramedics)
• NOA A weathe r transmission s
• Business/Industrial radio and utili ties
• Marine and Amateur ( ham radio) bands
• Milit ary and Civilian A ircraft
Your scanner can monitor the following bands
Lower Edge
Upper Edge
Modulation Step (kHz) Comments
25.0000 26.9600 AM 5.0 Petroleum Products & Broadcast
26.9650 27.4050 AM 5.0 CB Class D Channel
27.4100 27.9950 AM 5.0 Bu sin ess & Fore st Products
28.0000 29.6800 NFM 20.0 10 Meter Am ateur Band
29.7000 49.9900 NFM 10.0 VHF Low Band
50.0000 53.9800 NFM 20.0 6 Meter Am ateur Band
54.0000 71.9500 WFM 50.0 VH F T V Broadcast 2 - 4
72.0000 75.9950 FM 5.0 In t ersystem & Astro nomy
76.0000 87.9500 WFM 50.0 VH F T V Broadcast 5 - 6
88.0000 107.9000 FMB 100.0 FM Broadcast
108.0000 136.9750 AM 25.0 Airc raft Band
137.0000 143.9875 NFM 12.5 Military Land Mobile
144.0000 147.9950 NFM 5.0 2 Meter Amateur Band
148.0000 150.7875 NFM 12.5 Military Land Mobile
150.8000 161.9950 NFM 5.0 VHF High Band
162.0000 173.9875 NFM 12.5 F e de ra l Gov e rn m ent
174.0000 215.9500 WFM 50.0 TV Broadcast 7 - 13
216.0000 224.9800 NFM 20.0 1.25 Meter Amateur Band
225.0000 379.9750 AM 25.0 UHF Aircraft Band
380.0000 399.9875 NFM 12.5 Military Band