
Search and Close Call Options
Finding Repeater Output Frequencies
[MENU] Srch/CloCall Opt F
Repeater Find F
On or Off F
Thi s feature sets whether the scanner tr ies to tune to a repeater output fr equency
during Custom Sear ch, Quick Search, or Close Call operation when it detects a
transmi ssion on a repeater input frequency. Since you can norm al ly only hear one
side of a conversation when you listen to an input frequency tr ansmissi on, turning
this feature on can let you hear both sides of the conversation w here a standard
difference frequency is set between the input and the output, to and fr om the
repeater .
On — The scanner automatically appl ies repeater reverse to detected
tran smission s. If the scan ne r detects the transm issio n o n the ou tput fre qu e ncy, it
beeps, Repeater Found appear s, and it rem ai ns on the output frequency unti l
tran smission s end. If it d oe s n o t dete ct a tr an smissio n on th e ou tpu t fr eq ue ncy, it
remains on the origi nal fr equency.
Off — The scanner does not try to find the output frequency.
Setting the Maximum Auto Store Value
[MENU] Srch/CloCall Opt F
Max Auto Store F
This value s ets how many hit s the s c anner will automa tic ally store when it is in
either Search and Stor e or Close Call Auto Store mode. U se the num ber keys to
enter a value from 1 - 256, then press F. The defaul t value i s 100.
Wh en th e scanne r exce eds th e maximum n umber o f hits you set, it st op s the
auto-stor e operati on.
Setting the Modulation Type
Thi s setting control s the modulation method used for the fr equency band and for
Quick Search and Clo se Call opera t ions. In mo st cases, if you leave t his se t to
Auto, th e scanne r au to ma tically selects th e cor rect mod ul atio n type for the syst em
you are progr amm ing.
[MENU] Srch/CloCall Opt F
Set Modulation F