
2. Rotate the S cro ll Contro l to select a new first le tter. Pre ss [6] to mo ve one
character to the right. Repeat the Scroll Control action to change the
character. To m ove on e character to the l eft, pre ss [4].
3 . Repeat S tep 2 until you have entered t he syst em name. The n press F to
accept the setti ng.
Ea ch group name ca n b e up to 16 characters. Abbre viate as necessary to fit.
The g roup and syst em (f or con ventional, SCAT, a nd LTR syst ems) or sit e (for
Mot orola a nd EDA CS syst ems) na me a lternate in the t op line of the display
w hen the scanner stops on a channel.
Press [.No] twice to delete the cur ren t chara cter.
Press [.No] thre e time s to clea r the en tire alpha tag.
Onc e you cr ea te a cha nnel gr oup, store ch anne ls i n that g ro up. S ee “ Pr og r am mi n g
C hannel s” for speci fi c channel options.
[MENU] Program System F
Se le ct a n existin g syst em F
Edit Group F
Select an existing group F
Set Lockout F
T his setting determi nes whether the scanner wil l scan this gr oup of channels.
Se lect yo ur se tting, then pre ss F.
Lockout — the group is not scanned.
Temporary L/O — the group is not scanned for this sessi on. The L/O is
ca ncelled whe n yo u cycle po wer.
Unlocked — the group i s scanned. T he default s etti ng is Unlocked
[MENU] Program System F
Se le ct a syste m F
Edit Group F
Editing Channels MECL
Locking Out Channel Groups MECL
Deleting Channel Groups MECL