
Programming Your Scanner
Select a channel group F
Delete Group F
Confirm Delete?
Yes=”E” / No=”.”
Important: Deleted channel groups c annot be r estor ed. You must re- enter them.
[MENU] Program System F
Select a syst em F
Edit Group F
Select a channel group or a N ew Group F
Edit Channel F
Select an existing channel to edit or “New Channel” to create a new channel.
When you create a new channel you are prompted to enter the frequency (for
conventio nal syste ms) or Talk Group I D (for Tr unked systems). Ente r the
inform ation for the channel , then press F to proceed to setting addi ti onal channel
[MENU] Program System F
Select a syst em F
Edit Group F
Select the group F
Edit Channel F
Select the channel F
Edit Name F
Fol low these steps to enter/edit the channel name.
1. The current name displays with the fi rst character of the name highl ighted.
2. Rotate the Scroll Control to s el ec t a n ew fi rst le tter.
3. Press [6] to move one chara cter to the right.
4. R epeat the Scroll Control action to chan ge the character. To move one
chara cter to the le ft, pr ess [4]. Press [.No] tw ice to delete the cur re nt
ch ar ac ter . Pr es s [.No] three time s to clea r the en tire alp ha tag.
Programming Channels MECL
Creating a Channel MECL
Editing the Channel Name (Alpha Tag) MECL