
Using the Menu
Using the Menu
T h e Me nu m od e of the B CT1 5 i s v er y powerful . Ma ny settings re qu i re th at you d r il l
down multiple lev els . This ass ures you t he ut most flex ibility and t he abilit y t o
customize the operation to your specific requir ements.
To assist you to familiarize yourself and help you to become proficient using the
menu, we have provided three sections.
The fi rst deals with general menu r elated operations and scr een descri ptions. The
second s hows a flow chart of t he firs t and s ec ond levels which will get y ou most of
the way wh en you want to set or revisit a n o pt io n. The t hird add re sses individual
settin gs of the op tions that you mu st perform to get the most from the ra d io’s
General Operations
1. To enter the Menu mode press [MENU].
2. To select an ite m from a menu list, rotate the Scroll Control — you will s ee
used as a shorthand character in this manual.
3. To se lect a specific ite m you have arrived at , press eithe r [EYES ] or pr ess/tap
the Scroll Control F is used as a shorthand icon in this manual for that
4. To re turn to any previous men u leve l or to ca n cel a m en u choice befor e it is
m ad e, pr ess [MENU]
5. To exit the Menu mode, do any of the follow ing;
Press [SCAN/SEARCH] to go to Scan m od e.
Press [HOLD/RESUME] to go to Sc an H ol d mode .
Press [GPS] to go to GPS mo de .
Press [L/O] to r etu rn to the p revi ou s mod e .
Pr ess repeatedly [MENU] to retu rn , le vel b y le vel, to the previo us m od e.
6. Menu i tems on the LCD ar e r epres ented in thi s manual in Courier Bold