
[MENU] Program System F
S elect a conventio na l system F
Edit Sys Options F
Set Startup Key F
S elect a st art up key f rom 0-9 or se le ct “.” fo r no st art up key.
To un lo ck the syst em at start up, press and hold t he sele ct ed start up key wh ile
you tur n on the sca nner .
The system Quick Key is a lso e na bled .
I f you press a dif fere nt key a t start up , the syst em is locked out .
If you do not assig n the syste m a sta rt up key, th e system is no t affe cted by a ny
ke y press d uring sta rt up.
[MENU] Program System F
S elect a conventio na l system F
Edit Sys Options F
Set Lockout F
Unlocked — Th e system is scanne d wh en its quick ke y is enabled.
Temporary L/O — Th e system is not scanned , e ven if its q uick ke y is en abled.
Cyc ling p ower will remov e the lock out .
Lockout — The syst em is not scanned, even if its q uick key is enab le d. Yo u must
manually u nlock the syste m.
[MENU] Program System F
S elect a conventio na l system F
Edit Sys Options F
Set Hold Time F
Set h ow lo ng th e scan ne r will remain scanning o n this syste m be fore movin g to the
n ext system (up to 255 se con ds). Not e t hat t he scan ne r will scan all unlocked
ch annels a t lea st one time, re gard less of the system hold t ime settin g.
Setting the Startup Key C
Setting the System Lockout C
Setting the System Hold Time C