Setting Up Your Scanner
To secure the radio, by means of the mounting bracket, to a surface, follow the
steps be lo w:
1. Attach the four protective rubber feet to the mounting bracket when you use
the scanner on a flat surface. Do not use them when you mount the bracket
u sin g scre ws.
2. Use the bracke t as a template to m ark po sition s fo r the two mou ntin g screws.
3. At t he marked pos itions , drill holes s lightly s maller t ha n t he s c rews .
4. Align the bracket with the threaded holes on the sides of the radio case so the
br acket i s b en e ath th e radio. Secur e the bracket usin g the tw o threade d
knobs. Never overtighten the knobs.
Once the radi o i s p os iti oned , c onn ec t i t to a s ou rce of AC power usi ng t he s u ppl i ed
13.8V, 750 mA AC adapter . Insert the bar rel of the AC adapter to the j ack on the
rear , upper r ight s ide of the r adio m arked .
Insert the connector of the suppli ed i ndoor tel escoping antenna to the BNC
Antenna Connector and apply moderate pre ssure t o secure it.
Use only the Uni den- suppli ed AC adapter with this scanner.