Retail Use Cases
Clarisa clicks the Ok button in the Advanced DHCP Server window, then on the Apply
button in the subnet screen to save her choices. The subnets are now configured.
Next Clarisa configures the WAN interface.
Configuring the WAN Interface
Now Clarisa selects the WAN node in the left menu. Here she enters the static IP address
assigned to this store by CCC corporate. She also enters the other information supplied to
her by corporate: the gateway IP address, the subnet mask, and the DNS server IP
addresses. She is connecting by a DSL modem, but because she has a static IP address, her
Internet service provider (ISP) does not require PPP-over-Ethernet connection information.
If her ISP required PPPoE account information, she would have entered that information in
the PPP-over-Ethernet section of the screen.
Copyright © 2004 Symbol Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved 97
WS 2000 Wireless Switch: 1.0 Date of last Revision: March 2004