
Step 4: Enable Wireless LANs (WLANs)
4. Check Keep Alive to instruct the switch to continue occasional communications over
the WAN even when client communications to the WAN are idle. Some ISPs terminate
inactive connections, while others do not. In either case, enabling Keep-Alive mode
keeps the switch’s WAN connection alive, even when there is no traffic. If the ISP
drops the connection after so much idle time, the switch automatically reestablishes the
connection to the ISP.
5. Select the appropriate WAN authentication method from the drop-down menu. Collect
this information from the network administrator. Select between None, PAP, CHAP,
or PAP or CHAP.
A type of authentication in which the person logging in uses secret
information and some special mathematical operations to come up with a
number value. The server he or she is logging into knows the same secret
value and performs the same mathematical operations. If the results match,
the person is authorized to access the server. One of the numbers in the
mathematical operation is changed after every log-in, to protect against an
intruder secretly copying a valid authentication session and replaying it later
to log in.
An identity verification method used to send a user name and password over
a network to a computer that compares the user name and password to a
table listing authorized users. This method of authentication is less secure,
because the user name and password travel as clear text that a hacker could
6. Click the Apply button to save changes.
Step 4: Enable Wireless LANs (WLANs)
The WS 2000 Wireless Switch works either in a wired or wireless environment; however,
the power of the switch is associated with its support of wireless networks. In order to use
the wireless features of the switch, the administrator needs to enable one, two or three
wireless LANs (WLANs).
To start the WLAN configuration process, select the Network Configuration -->
Wireless item from the left menu. The following Wireless summary screen appears.
Copyright © 2004 Symbol Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved 28
WS 2000 Wireless Switch: 1.0 Date of last Revision: March 2004