A Field Office Example
He could then enter the user-based or protocol-based restrictions in the EngSN --> WAN
Since Leo does not need to make any changes, there is nothing more to be done.
Installing the Access Ports and Testing
The switch is now configured! Leo connects the switch’s WAN port to the VPN appliance
that goes to the outside world. He gets three laptops and sets each of them to use DHCP for
IP address assignment, 802.1x EAP for user authentication, and WPA-TKIP for data
encryption over the wireless link. He uses the first laptop to connect to the engineering
WLAN, the second to connect to the sales and marketing WLAN, and the third laptop to
connect to the administration WLAN. He makes sure that laptops on each WLAN can
connect to the WAN and to each other.
After he has tested the three subnets, he installs the Access Ports in their permanent
locations. He test coverage with the laptops, making sure each Access Port is covering its
assigned area. He also unplugs each of the engineering Access Ports, in turn, to be sure that
both are working properly. When everything seems to be working, he sends an email to the
users telling them that the new wireless network is up and running!
Copyright © 2004 Symbol Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved 136
WS 2000 Wireless Switch: 1.0 Date of last Revision: March 2004