
A Field Office Example
Leo clicks the OK button to save the 802.1x EAP settings.
Leo then clicks the WPA-TKIP Settings button. WPA-TKIP constantly changes keys, but
requires an initial key, known to both ends of the communication. If Leo was not using
802.1X EAP user authentication, that initial key would need to be entered here, in the Key
Settings section. However, with 802.1x EAP, the RADIUS server supplies the initial
key, so that Key Settings section is grayed out for Leo.
Leo does need to set the frequency with which the key for broadcast communication is
changed. By default, the WS 2000 changes the broadcast every 600 seconds, every ten
minutes. Breaking WEP encryption requires several hours of solid traffic, so Leo decides to
change the broadcast key rotation to 3600 seconds, or once an hour.
Copyright © 2004 Symbol Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved 129
WS 2000 Wireless Switch: 1.0 Date of last Revision: March 2004