Welcome to DB2 Connect!
The DB2 Connect Quick Beginnings
books provide a focused introduction
to the installation and configuration
of DB2 Connect products.
This Quick Beginnings book will guide
you through the planning,
installation, migration (if necessary),
and setup of a DB2 Connect
workstation. Once the DB2 Connect
workstation has been installed and
configured, you will configure a
connection from the workstation to a
DB2 server on a host or AS/400
system (using the Command Line
Processor or DB2 GUI tools).
How This Book is Structured
Setting up DB2 Connect is a multi-step process. The sections in this book
follow the typical sequence of tasks necessary to go from installing DB2
Connect to using client applications with your database.
The typical steps to installing and configuring DB2 Connect are as follows:
Step 1. Determine how you want to use DB2 Connect in your network. For
the available options, see “Accessing Host or AS/400 DB2 Data
Using DB2 Connect Personal Edition” on page 4.
Step 2. Verify that you have the correct hardware and software prerequisites
on both your workstation and the host database server. See
“Chapter 2. Planning for Installation” on page 23 for prerequisites.
Step 3. Verify that your host or AS/400 database server is configured to
accept connections from DRDA Application Requesters such as DB2
Connect. See “Part 3. Preparing Host and AS/400 Databases for DB2
Connect Communications” on page 37.
Step 4. The next step is to install your DB2 Connect software. You will use
this workstation to configure and verify your host and AS/400
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