Upgrading from a Try-and-Buy License
To upgrade from a Try-and-Buy license, perform the following steps:
Step 1. Start the Control Center. For more information, see “Starting
the Control Center” on page 134.
Step 2. Click on the License Center icon from the Control Center
toolbar. The License Center opens.
Step 3. Complete the steps to upgrade your DB2 license. For more
information, refer to the License Center’s online help by
pressing the F1 key.
If you are upgrading your DB2 product to a higher entitlement, you
must ensure that you uninstall your current installation of DB2 and
then reinstall your new licensed product.
For example, if you have a Try-and-Buy version of DB2 Workgroup
Edition installed on your machine, and you purchased a license for
DB2 Enterprise Edition, you must ensure that you remove the
installed copy of DB2 Workgroup Edition and then reinstall DB2
Enterprise Edition.
If you did not install the DB2 tools, you can upgrade your
Try-and-Buy license using the db2licm command. For more
information, refer to the Command Reference.
Note: Your Proof of Entitlement and License Information booklets
identify the products for which you are licensed.
You are now ready to use DB2 Connect Personal Edition.
Chapter 4. Installing DB2 Connect on Windows 9x or Windows NT 35