Java applets. In addition, you can use a wide range of off-the-shelf or
custom-developed database applications with DB2 Connect and its associated
tools. For example, you can use DB2 Connect products with:
v Spreadsheets, such as Lotus 1-2-3 and Microsoft Excel, to analyze real-time
data without having the cost and complexity of data extract and import
v Decision support tools, such as Business Objects, Brio and Cognos, and
Crystal Reports, to provide real-time information.
v Database products, such as Lotus Approach and Microsoft Access.
v Development tools, such as PowerSoft PowerBuilder, Microsoft Visual Basic,
and Borland Delphi, to create client/server solutions.
Although DB2 Connect is often installed on an intermediate server machine to
connect DB2 clients to a host or AS/400 database, it is also installed on
machines where multiple local users want to access the host or AS/400
servers directly. For example, DB2 Connect may be installed on a large
machine with many local users. It may also be installed on a Web server,
Transaction Processor (TP) monitor, or other 3-tier application server machines
with multiple local SQL application processes and threads. In these cases, you
can choose to install DB2 Connect on the same machine for simplicity, or on a
separate machine to off-load CPU cycles.
A DB2 Connect server enables multiple clients to connect to host or AS/400
data and can significantly reduce the effort that is required to establish and
maintain access to enterprise data. Figure 3 on page 10 illustrates IBM’s
solution for environments in which you want to use a DB2 client making an
indirect connection to a host or AS/400 database server through DB2 Connect
Enterprise Edition.
In the example, you could replace the DB2 Connect server with a
DB2 server that has the DB2 Connect Server Support component
Chapter 1. About DB2 Connect 9