
Appendix E. National Language Support (NLS)
This section contains information about configuring national language support
for the DB2 Connect product, and includes information on:
v Which languages are supported by DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition and
DB2 Connect Personal Edition.
v How DB2 Connect handles the conversion of data between unalike systems.
v How to customize your DB2 Connect workstation for your particular
national language environment.
v How to customize your host Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID)
Code Page and Language Support
During installation of DB2, the country, codepage, and regional settings are
established. However, you can change these settings after installing DB2:
including regional settings such as code page, country language (for monetary,
date, and numeric formatting), and time zone. When a new connection to a
database is made, the database manager uses these new values.
You must ensure that your regional settings are set correctly. DB2
may not produce the expected results if the country, code page, or
regional settings are incorrect for the intended language.
Table 8 shows the languages into which the DB2 messages are translated.
Note: The code page values in the table that follows are also used as
directory names on DB2 CD-ROMs. For example, a reference to
x:\language\win32\install would be x:\en\win32\install for English.
For more detailed information on the languages and code pages
support, refer to the Administration Guide.
Table 8. Languages and Code Pages
Country Code Language
bg Bulgarian
br Brazilian Portuguese
cn Simplified Chinese (PRC)
cz Czech
de German
dk Danish
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