OS/390 or MVS
Location name
RDB name
When a database is created on the remote server, if a database alias
is not specified during database creation, the database is created with
a database alias=database_name; otherwise, the database alias is the
name that was specified when the database was created.
Step 6. Register this database as an ODBC data source.
a. Ensure that the Register this database for ODBC check box is
b. Select the radio button that describes how you would like to
register this database:
v If you would like all users on your system to have access to
this data source, select the As a system data source radio
v If you would like only the current user to have access to this
data source, select the As a user data source radio button.
c. If you would like to create an ODBC data source file to share
database access, select the Create a file data source check box and
enter the path and filename for this file in the File data source
name field.
d. Click on the Optimize for application drop down box and select
the application for which you want to tune the ODBC settings.
e. Click on the Done push button to add the database that you
selected. The Confirmation window opens.
If you are adding a database using the manual method, you can also
select the Node Options tab, the Security Options tab, or the Host or
AS/400 Options tab (if you are adding a host or AS/400 database) to
specify more detailed catalog information. Refer to the online help in
each tab for more information.
If you want to use the default settings for the node, security, and host or
AS/400 (if applicable) options, click on the Done push button and go to
the next step.
Step 7. Click on the Test Connection push button to test the connection. The
Connect to DB2 Database window opens.
If the database that you want to add was not added successfully,
click on the Change push button to change any settings that you may
Chapter 9. Configuring Client-to-Server Communications Using the Client Configuration Assistant 111