
Platform Specific Details for CLI/ODBC Access
The platform specific details on how to give DB2 CLI and ODBC
applications access to DB2 are divided into the following categories:
v “Windows 32-bit operating systems Client Access to DB2 using
v “OS/2 Client Access to DB2 using CLI/ODBC” on page 125
Windows 32-bit operating systems Client Access to DB2 using CLI/ODBC
Before DB2 CLI and ODBC applications can successfully access a DB2
database from a Windows client, perform the following steps on the client
Step 1. The DB2 database (and node if the database is remote) must be
cataloged. To do so, use the CCA (or the command line processor).
For more information refer to the on-line help in the CCA (or the
Command Reference).
Step 2. Verify that the Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager and the DB2
CLI/ODBC driver are installed. On Windows 32-bit operating
systems they are both installed with DB2 unless the ODBC
component is manually unselected during the install.
To verify that they both exist on the machine:
a. Run the Microsoft ODBC Administrator from the icon in the
Control Panel, or issue the appropriate command from the
command line: odbcad32.exe.
b. Click on the ODBC Drivers tab.
c. Verify that IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER is shown in the list.
If either the Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager or the IBM DB2
CLI/ODBC driver is not installed, then rerun the DB2 install and
select the ODBC component on Windows 32-bit operating systems.
Step 3. Register the DB2 database with the ODBC driver manager as a data
source. On Windows 32-bit operating systems you can make the data
source available to all users of the system (a system data source), or
only the current user (a user data source). Use either of these
methods to add the data source:
v Using the CCA:
a. Select the DB2 database alias that you want to add as a data
b. Click on the Properties push button. The Database Properties
window opens.
c. Select the Register this database for ODBC check box.
Chapter 10. Running Your Own Applications 123