book, simply run it as you would run any other executable program. The
result from this step is a printable PostScript file with a file extension of
3. Ensure that your default printer is a PostScript printer capable of printing
Level 1 (or equivalent) files.
4. Enter the following command from a command line:
print filename.ps
On UNIX-based platforms:
1. Mount the CD-ROM. Refer to your Quick Beginnings manual for the
procedures to mount the CD-ROM.
2. Change to /cdrom/doc/%L/ps directory on the CD-ROM, where /cdrom is
the mount point of the CD-ROM and %L is the name of the desired locale.
The manuals will be installed in the previously-mentioned directory with
file names ending with .ps.Z.
3. Decompress and print the manual you require using the following
v For AIX:
zcat filename | qprt -P PSPrinter_queue
v For HP-UX, Solaris, or SCO UnixWare 7:
zcat filename | lp -d PSPrinter_queue
v For Linux:
zcat filename | lpr -P PSPrinter_queue
v For Silicon Graphics IRIX:
zcat < filename | lp -d PSPrinter_queue
where filename is the full path name and extension of the compressed
PostScript file and PSprinter_queue is the name of the PostScript printer
For example, to print the English version of DB2 for UNIX Quick
Beginnings on AIX, you can use the following command:
zcat /cdrom/doc/en/ps/db2ixe60.ps.Z || qprt -P ps1
Ordering the Printed Books
You can order the printed DB2 manuals either as a set or individually. There
are three sets of books available. The form number for the entire set of DB2
books is SBOF-8926-00. The form number for the books listed under the
heading ″Cross-Platform Books″ is SBOF-8924-00.
Appendix D. How the DB2 Library Is Structured 157