
Configuring the Environment
To build and run DB2 Java programs, you need to install and configure the
appropriate version of the Java Development Kit (JDK) on your development
AIX: The Java Development Kit (JDK) Version 1.1.2 for AIX from IBM.
The HP-UX Developer’s Kit for Java Release 1.1.3 or later from
Linux: The Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.1.7, Version 1a or later for Linux
from the Blackdown Organization.
OS/2: The Java Development Kit (JDK) Version 1.1.4 for OS/2 from IBM.
Silicon Graphics IRIX:
The Java Development Environment 3.1 (Sun JDK 1.1.5) and the Java
Execution Environment 3.1 (Sun JRE 1.1.5) from Silicon Graphics, Inc.
The Java Development Kit (JDK) Version 1.1.4 for Solaris, and the
Solaris Native Thread pack, from Sun Microsystems.
Windows 32-bit operating systems
The Java Development Kit (JDK) Version 1.1 for Win32 from Sun
For information on installing and configuring any of the above JDKs, please
refer to:
For all supported platforms, you must also install and configure a DB2 client
with the DB2 Java Enablement component. To bind SQLJ programs to a
database, you must install and configure a DB2 Administrative Client with the
DB2 Java Enablement component.
To run DB2 Java stored procedures or UDFs, you also need to update the DB2
database manager configuration to include the path where the JDK version 1.1
is installed on your development machine. You can do this by entering the
following on the command line:
db2 update dbm cfg using JDK11_PATH /home/smith/jdk11
where /home/smith/jdk11 is the path where the JDK version 1.1 is installed.
You can check the DB2 database manager configuration to verify the correct
value for the JDK11_PATH field by entering the following command:
db2 get dbm cfg
128 Quick Beginnings