FOR BIT DATA clause) is not converted. Otherwise all input and output
character data is converted if the two machines have different code pages or
For example, if DB2 Connect is used to access DB2 Universal Database for
OS/390 or DB2/MVS data, the following happens:
1. DB2 Connect sends an SQL statement and input data to OS/390 or MVS.
2. DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 converts the data to an EBCDIC
CCSID and processes it.
3. DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 sends the result back to the DB2
Connect workstation.
4. DB2 Connect converts the result to an ASCII or ISO code page and returns
it to the user.
The table that follows shows the conversions that are supported between code
pages (on the workstation) and CCSIDs (on the host).
For more detailed information about supported code page conversions, refer
to the Administration Guide.
Table 9. Workstation Code Page to Host CCSID Conversion
Host CCSIDs Code Page Countries
037, 273, 277, 278, 280, 284,
285, 297, 500, 871, 1140-1149
437, 819, 850, 858, 860, 863,
1004, 1051, 1252, 1275
Albania, Australia, Austria,
Belgium, Brazil, Canada,
Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Latin America,
Netherlands, New Zealand,
Norway, Portugal, South
Africa, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, UK, USA
423, 875 737, 813, 869, 1253, 1280 Greece
870 852, 912, 1250, 1282 Croatia, Czech Republic,
Hungary, Poland, Romania,
Serbia/Montenegro (Latin),
Slovakia, Slovenia
1025 855, 866, 915, 1251, 1283 Bulgaria, FYR Macedonia,
Russia, Serbia/Montenegro
1026 857, 920, 1254, 1281 Turkey
424 862, 916, 1255 Israel - see note 3 below
420 864, 1046, 1089, 1256 Arabic countries - see note
3 below
Appendix E. National Language Support (NLS) 161