
To configure the Windows NT SNA API client for APPC communications,
complete the following steps:
Step 1. Create a user account for the SNA API client on the Communications
Server for Windows NT server
a. Click on the Start button and select Programs->Administrative
Tools (Common)->User Manager. The User Manager window
b. Select Users->New User from the menu bar. The New User
window opens.
c. Fill in the fields for the new SNA client user accout. For more
information, refer to the Windows NT online help.
d. Ensure that this user account is a member of the Administrators,
1) Click on the Groups push button
2) Select a group from the Not member of box and click on the
<- Add push button. Repeat this step for each group that your
user account must belong to.
e. Click on OK.
f. Click on the Add push button.
Step 2. Start the configuration GUI for the IBM eNetwork CS/NT SNA API
Client. Click on the Start push button and select Programs->IBM
Communications Server SNA Client->Configuration. The CS/NT
Chapter 7. Configuring APPC Communications on the DB2 Connect Workstation 77