
Many details of these steps have changed with the introduction of DB2
Universal Database for OS/390 Version 5.1. Most of these steps apply to
SNA users, but some also apply to users who will connect to DB2 Universal
Database for OS/390 via TCP/IP.
For a summary of the example VTAM names used throughout this book, see
“Sample Network Element Names (VTAM)” on page 41. For TCP/IP names,
see “Configuring TCP/IP for DB2 Universal Database for OS/390” on page 47.
Summary of Steps
In order to prepare DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 or DB2 for MVS/ESA
to receive connection requests from DB2 Connect, you must complete the
following steps at your DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 host:
Step 1. Verify that the following PTFs for OS/390 are installed:
v PTF UQ06843 for APAR PQ05771
v PTF UQ09146 for APAR PQ07537.
Step 2. Configure VTAM - see “Configuring VTAM”, or:
Step 3. Configure TCP/IP - see “Configuring TCP/IP for DB2 Universal
Database for OS/390” on page 47, or:
Step 4. Configure DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 or DB2 for MVS/ESA
- see “Configuring DB2 Universal Database for OS/390” on page 44,
or “Configuring DB2 for MVS/ESA” on page 45.
Configuring VTAM
To configure VTAM, your VTAM Administrator needs to determine the names
and options to be used on your system. The following definitions must be
provided to enable the DB2 Connect workstation to connect to the host:
1. The VTAM APPL Definition for DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 or
DB2 for MVS/ESA. (The APPL name (LU name) for the DB2 subsystem is
NYM2DB2 in these examples.)
2. The VTAM PU and LU Definitions for DB2 Connect. (The PU and LU
definitions for the DB2 Connect workstation are NYX1 and NYX1GW01
respectively in these examples.)
3. The VTAM Log Mode Definition for DB2. (The log mode entry to be used
for the connection is IBMRDB in these examples.)
The sample VTAM definitions are provided in the sections that follow. These
samples use parameters that match the parameters used elsewhere in this
40 Quick Beginnings