Table 2. Software Requirements (continued)
Product Hardware/Software
Windows 32-bit Operating Systems
v DB2 Connect Personal
v Windows 95 Version 4.00.950
or later
v Windows 98
v Windows NT Version 4.0 with
Service Pack 3, or later
v The Windows NT base operating system provides NetBIOS,
IPX/SPX, Named Pipes, and TCP/IP connectivity.
For SNA (APPC) connectivity, one of the following communication
products is required:
v IBM Communications Server for Windows NT Version 5.01 or later
v IBM Personal Communications for Windows NT Version 4.1 or
v Microsoft SNA Server Version 4 Service Pack 2 or later
1. If SNA two-phase commit is necessary, then IBM Communications
Server for Windows NT Version 5.01 or later is required.
2. If you plan to use DCE (Distributed Computing Environment)
with Version 6 of DB2 Universal Database, you will need:
v A DCE product that is at OSF DCE level 1.1 with IBM DCE for
Windows NT Version 2.0.
v To ensure that if you are connecting to DB2 for OS/390 V5.1
database that it is enabled for DCE support using OS/390 DCE
Base Services Version 3.
In addition, DB2 also supports Gradient PC-DCE for Windows
32-bit operating systems Version 2.0 Runtime Media Kit. For DB2
Connect support, you require DB2/MVS Version 5.1 plus its
prerequisite, OS/390 DCE Base Services version 3 for DCE
Note: With DB2 Connect, you must install DCE Directory Services
on the client and the DRDA server. You do not need DCE installed
on a DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition server.
3. If you plan to use LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol),
you require the IBM eNetwork LDAP Directory Client Version 3.1.
For more information, refer to the Administration Guide.
4. If you plan to use the ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager
(ADSM) facilities for backup and restore of your databases, you
require the ADSM Client Version 3 or later.
5. If you have the IBM Antivirus program installed on your
operating system, it must be Version 3.0 or later.
6. If you plan to use the Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) subagent, you require DPI 2.0 provided by IBM Netfinity
26 Quick Beginnings